Life: Narrated - Episode 3 - Zombie Narratives

Hey guys!

Episode Three of Life Narrated is out! I know what you're thinking. Where is episode two? Episode two has been stricken form the record and will, from now on, be referred to as: NOPE.

 But Episode Three is bangin', ya'll.

In this episode, we talk about zombie narratives!

I like this episode for two reasons:

1) before I started researching zombies, I was very uninterested in the genre as a whole. I didn't understand why people like zombie movies and why they were so popular.

But after researching quite a bit, I started to see deeper meaning in it. I started to see the lines of connection between the African zombi, to the Haitian zombi, to George Romero's Night of the Living Dead, to all the iterations of the theme since. I couldn't believe they were all connected.

This is why I find anthropology so fascinating, because you find connections where you don't expect there to be one.

2) We had a guest star on the show! Even though we were using a crappy Skype setup, we still managed to have the lovely and talented on to talk about zombies! It was fun!

I am very encouraged by our progress on the technology front and I'm hoping to have more guest stars in the future. Unfortunately, she's kind of hard to hear, but we're still working out the kinks. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments.

Now, without further ado, here is Episode Three of Life: Narrated:

PS - Every time we say Boris Karloff, pretend we're saying Bela Lugosi.


Libby said...

I've been off the interwebs for a bit so I completely missed the first episode announcement. Will check out 3 now!

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I am a legit writer living in Durham, North Carolina, working at a publishing company, and ruthlessly fumigate for travel bugs on a daily basis. Follow my adventures as I try to get published, learn marketing voodoo, and pretend to be an adult.

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I have traveled a lot in the past teaching English and just being a general vagabond, so I have some blogs in my past. I will be consolidating them all - slowly but surely - into a single blog:

No Cilantro Extra Olives

This blog already contains my adventures in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, such as they are.

Updates on my other blogs, from Korea to India will be posted as I go through the laborious process of pulling them from their current blogs into that one.

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