I Think I Joined a Cult?

I haven't been posting but this time there's a reason!

I moved last weekend, and I started a new job on monday, so lots of things have been going on.

Especially because... well I think I've joined a cult. Or been hired by a cult? Is that a thing?

Seriously, everyone I work with is so nice and open and friendly and this is DC where people don't do nice and open and friendly. Politically correct and politely evasive? Yes. Say hi to you on the elevator? They must have mistaken you for someone else.

So when everyone at work greets me in the hallway; when strangers strike up conversations with me in the elevators; when my new boss hugs me after knowing me for a week, I have to wonder. Is there something in the water? Or have I joined a cult?

Maybe - and this is the really crazy thing about where I work - maybe people just freaking love their jobs. Which is the strangest explanation of all.

I mean, I LOVE my job so far, but I'm still in the honey-moon stage, so my judgement can't really be trusted.

All this is to say that I haven't posted in a while cause I've been caught up with things. I've also not written in a while, but this weekend is a long one (four days) so I am going to devote it to being a LEGIT writer.

PS - if you are bored/want to read more short stories, check out Internet Troubadours - they have The Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Allan Poe up. Read it here: http://internettroubadours.blogspot.com/2014/05/the-pit-and-pendulum-by-edgar-allan-poe.html


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About Me

I am a legit writer living in Durham, North Carolina, working at a publishing company, and ruthlessly fumigate for travel bugs on a daily basis. Follow my adventures as I try to get published, learn marketing voodoo, and pretend to be an adult.

Other Blogs

I have traveled a lot in the past teaching English and just being a general vagabond, so I have some blogs in my past. I will be consolidating them all - slowly but surely - into a single blog:

No Cilantro Extra Olives

This blog already contains my adventures in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, such as they are.

Updates on my other blogs, from Korea to India will be posted as I go through the laborious process of pulling them from their current blogs into that one.

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