Podcast: Because I Don't Have Enough Going on.

The two microphones I ordered off of Amazon arrived today, because apparently this month is the month I start doing ALL THE THINGS.

I have had an idea for a podcast for a while, and it's slowly taking shape. Studying anthropology makes you appreciate the way we tell a story; the narrative of life. So I thought I'd have a podcast about life's narratives. The stories we tell ourselves.

This won't be actual stories being read aloud, like This American Life, but it will tackle questions like: why are zombie narratives so popular? Why does Game of Thrones have so much sexism when it takes place in a fictional world? Why do Americans throw out food that is perfectly fine everyday? Is representation important in popular media? Is fan fiction a good or a bad thing?

All of these things have to do with how we tell stories to ourselves and each other (yeah, even the one about the food).

Anyway, this is still in infant stages so I'll definitely let everyone know what we start doing it. I'm hoping for it to be a discussion format with me, my brother, and our friend Lauren, because we always have the best discussions.

If you have any topics you'd like to suggest, please do. We need all the help we can get.

In other news, there's a new story up on Internet Troubadours so check it out! This one is called the Secret of Room 404 and it's by Andrea S who has no online presence as she is a technophobe. I feel confident saying this as she WILL NEVER READ IT. I may, however, tell her about it, as I am incapable of keeping a secret. C'est la vie.


DMS said...

Your podcast idea sounds very interesting and I think they will be a big hit. I am sure this will be a lot to juggle with everything else, but it sounds fun! :) Best of luck!

Emily Ever said...

Hey Jess! We just finished the first eps. And it went great (see most recent post). Hopefully we will get better at it!

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About Me

I am a legit writer living in Durham, North Carolina, working at a publishing company, and ruthlessly fumigate for travel bugs on a daily basis. Follow my adventures as I try to get published, learn marketing voodoo, and pretend to be an adult.

Other Blogs

I have traveled a lot in the past teaching English and just being a general vagabond, so I have some blogs in my past. I will be consolidating them all - slowly but surely - into a single blog:

No Cilantro Extra Olives

This blog already contains my adventures in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, such as they are.

Updates on my other blogs, from Korea to India will be posted as I go through the laborious process of pulling them from their current blogs into that one.

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