Internet Troubadours

I'd like to dedicate this post to Libby who was kind enough to feature me on her blog yesterday, and is keeping me honest about things I'm supposed to be doing.

Which brings me to the point of this post: MY STORY BLOG.

I am very excited about this, and I imagined that I would be able to tweak it all through my two week holiday and break it out on January 1st. I imagined this despite all previous empirical evidence to the contrary.

No worries, though! Enthusiastic Me has set up most of this blog when I was in the throes of excitement, so all that's left for Lazy Holiday Me to do is create the look for the blog, which I will spend the next year and a half tweaking furiously, anyway.

(this is not to be confused with twerking furiously because that's something you have to ask YouTube about).

So, to the point: This blog will have short stories from me and writer friends, mostly from twitter. It was started with the idea that if I had this blog, the pressure for me to actually write short stories would be more and it would actually happen. Because short stories are good for you, people. Like apples, and exercise, and a good, ugly cry.

There will be a blurb at the bottom of the every story about the author that will contain links and what not so everyone can get meet new people and network. The stories will be between 1,000 to 5,000 words, but I will consider shorter and longer works.

If you are interested in participating, please email me (emilyincarolina [at] gmail dot com). We're going to start with two stories a month, and will do more once I get the ball rolling.

Here is the URL so you can check it out before the first story is posted at midnight:

First story will be posted January 1st*! So stop by and comment!

*this is probably true.


Libby said...

Ohhh, exciting!! I checked out the blog, is there an easy way to follow it, like a "Join This Site Button"? Can't wait to see the first story!

Emily Ever said...

Yes! I need to change that. Thanks!

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About Me

I am a legit writer living in Durham, North Carolina, working at a publishing company, and ruthlessly fumigate for travel bugs on a daily basis. Follow my adventures as I try to get published, learn marketing voodoo, and pretend to be an adult.

Other Blogs

I have traveled a lot in the past teaching English and just being a general vagabond, so I have some blogs in my past. I will be consolidating them all - slowly but surely - into a single blog:

No Cilantro Extra Olives

This blog already contains my adventures in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, such as they are.

Updates on my other blogs, from Korea to India will be posted as I go through the laborious process of pulling them from their current blogs into that one.

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