New Blog!

Alright folks. This is a long time in coming, but this is the intro post to my new blog!

For those of you who are familiar with my old travel blogs, I will be reposting all my adventures in India, South Korea and Saudi Arabia in my old blog NoCilantroExtraOlives. Stay tuned for updates of that nature.

In the interest of clarity, I figured I should post something in the beginning of the new blog about what you're getting into. So, things to know about me:

1. I am working to be an author and am very serious about writing.
2. I've been charged by an elephant, a baboon, and a squirrel and I ain't scared of you.
3. I work at a publishing house in the marketing department - which sounds a lot cooler than it actually is.
4. I'm totally lying about #3, I love my job.
5. I love to travel. I have spent the majority of my time as an adult planning escapes to other countries.
6. I grew up overseas - this means sometimes I don't get your fancy American ways.
7. I was an Anthropology major.
8. I currently live in Durham, North Carolina

What you can expect from this blog:

1. Lists. Apparently.
2. Essays on writing and storytelling
3. Book reviews that crackle and spark off the page
4. Essays about anthropological stuff that I feel everyone needs to sit down and think about for a second.
5. Recollections of unfortunate incidents in my childhood that are only now surfacing after years of repression.
6. Other shit And much much more.

So hold on to your hats, ladies and gentleman, and set your RSS feeds to Update, because you're about to be witness to the wisdom of a Legit Writer.


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About Me

I am a legit writer living in Durham, North Carolina, working at a publishing company, and ruthlessly fumigate for travel bugs on a daily basis. Follow my adventures as I try to get published, learn marketing voodoo, and pretend to be an adult.

Other Blogs

I have traveled a lot in the past teaching English and just being a general vagabond, so I have some blogs in my past. I will be consolidating them all - slowly but surely - into a single blog:

No Cilantro Extra Olives

This blog already contains my adventures in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, such as they are.

Updates on my other blogs, from Korea to India will be posted as I go through the laborious process of pulling them from their current blogs into that one.

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